FO Noah’s Ark Baby Blanket

I completed the Noah’s Ark Blanket this past Saturday and I am very pleased with how it came out. It was so much fun to crochet and was a nice change from knitting. Even though I consider myself a fast crocheter and knitter, I believe anyone would consider this project a fast crochet. So if you want a really cute, easy and fast baby gift for your grand baby, baby or someone special I would whole heartily suggest this blanket.


Here is a close up view of the ark and animals.


I found this cute cloud pattern on Ravelry by Andrea Moberly (Rain Cloud) and thought it was the perfect addition to this project! She is a very talented designer! I also just purchased her JoJo the Giraffe pattern and I am looking forward to making it sometime soon!

You can purchase her JoJo the Giraffe pattern on Ravelry and store it in your Ravelry library until you are ready to start it which is great. If you are not on Ravelry you can find the pattern at her Etsy store.


I wanted to show the back of my blanket too, as I think it’s very important to take the time to sew your ark and animals on carefully so that no thread seams show on the back. After all you want the back to look nice too!


Project Details

Started: April 2, 2008

Finished: April 12, 2008

Pattern: Noah’s Ark Baby Blanket in Crochet! Magazine May 2008

Yarn: TLC Cotton Plus Solid

Modifications: I added the Rain Cloud and used smaller hook size on the elephant’s trunk, giraffe’s antlers and spots. I also preferred the wrong side to show for the ark and elephant.

My Ravelry Details

Sunday Rest and Relaxing Knitting

Well, I woke up with an awful headache around 5 am, so I took some Excedrin and sat under the hairdryer. (I have a salon in my home, so this dryer is the big bonnet kind.) I can so… sleep under that thing and when my headaches are that bad, at least when I am under the hair dryer the pain immediately subsides. My hubby uses it too for headaches but I have to cover his bald little head with my Turbie Twist towel! Ha!

Anyway, headache is much better so I played around with making a little knitting pin. I have seen these knitted like little flags, socks, etc. and I wanted to see what I could come up with.

What cha‘ think?

Still needs some improvement, but still cute.

We had a great time yesterday at Charlotte Purls and we had a great turn out. Stacey, Angela, Sophia, Fran, Wendy, Michelle, Diane, Carrie, Alison, Janet and me. Every one’s projects are looking so good. Alison’s Clapotis is so soft and the color is divine. Diane was knitting on her Fetching and they were coming along nicely. Sophia was knitting on her Lady Eleanor which she is knitting with her own self dyed yarn! She also showed us her new belly dancing hip scarf that she had crocheted. Wendy had finished a beautiful shrug/cape and she modeled it for us. Fran was knitting on her Fetching’s and so was Michelle, Wendy and Stacey. I was knitting on my Stained Glass Fan Bag and showing off my other projects. Many of us had multiple projects with us and we were all ooohhing and ahhhing over every one’s WIP’s.

Angela is new to our group and I think Stacey was helping her get started on a project. Janet is also new, although this was the first time that I had met her, as last meet up I was out of town.
So, welcome to both of you ladies!

We even had a gentleman stop by our table and inquire about out group. Who knows we just might have our first “man purl”! We all said hello and found out that he knits Aran sweaters and socks for his wife and family. Stacey gave him some info and wrote down his email so maybe soon we will get to see some of his FO’s.

I got a package this past Friday…

My free skein of Vickie Howell’s yarn and a cute little magnet! If you talked about her new upcoming podcast… Craft, Rock, Listen on your blog she would send you a free skein of yarn. I never thought it would get here this fast. It’s a small little skein of bamboo and silk in a pale yellow. Not my fav color, but it was free.

I mentioned this to some of my knit friends Saturday (who will remain nameless) and they thought yuck and why would anyone do that for a cheap skein of yarn? Duh ME! LOL
Remember most of my yarn stash is Michael’s yarn at a discount! I can’t afford to buy only LYS yarns (here is wishing I could), as I love Debbie Bliss, Noro and all those other yummy yarns, but there ain’t a thing wrong with my less than $50.00 skeins…LOL Gosh but I have seen yarn that sold in my LYS for over $30.00!
Anyway, my stuff only has to please me and it so does.

Ok, all for now… my knitting is calling me….
“I’m coming”

A Weekend Wedding Shower

As you know I had been knitting and crocheting dishcloth’s for a wedding shower that I was going to attend this past Saturday for Jessica Wikoff who is marrying my nephew Winston. They will exchange vows on October 6th, 2007 on the beach in Litchfield Beach, SC. My husband and I are looking forward to attending the rehearsal dinner as well as the wedding.
Here is the cute invitation…

I got her the 8 cup Pyrex Cup that she had on her Target wedding gift registry and a gift card. I then rolled up all 7 of the dishcloth’s (one for each day of the week) and placed them inside the glass cup and wrapped it all in clear cellophane wrap and tied on a bow.

Here are all the dishcloth’s…

whoops no finished photo of this one!

The wedding shower was so much fun and it was held at the most beautiful home!
You can see all of the photo’s I took here…

Jessica’s Wedding Shower Album

Here is Jessica opening up my gift. As soon as she picked it up she smiled at me and said “I know who this is from!”

Here is another of her holding up the heart one…

She is a very beautiful young lady and so sweet as well. You can tell that Winston and Jessica are so in love and I wish them all the best in their life together as husband and wife.

Now a time warp…

All this talk of wedding’s brought back memories of our wedding!
It’s been almost 30 years since my marriage to my high school sweetheart. It really doesn’t seem that long. Here is Patrick and I on our wedding day, April 8th, 1978.

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I really have FOs and other stuff!

Here is my Starry, Starry Night all finished. This was an easy pattern and one that I will most likely use again. I wasn’t as pleased with my stars as I should have been. I think because the weight of the yarn was just too light. Next time I will make them out of a worsted weight instead. I also love the back as it is just as pretty as the front. Who’s it for, why my first grandbaby of course…LOL Now if I can just get one of my children to get married, so that I will one day have a grandchild. Overall, a fun and pretty fast project.

I have also finished up several dishcloth’s. I am making them for a wedding shower that I am going to next weekend. I wanted to have 7, one for every day of the week.


Some are knitted and the other’s are crocheted using a double ended hook. They are called Cro-hook dishcloth’s. I really love these as they are one color on one side and another color on the other side.

I have also made 2 of the Garterlac Dishcloth’s by Criminy Jicket’s

These are so easy and sooo much fun to make as they are all knitting, no purling!


Have you seen the new Sugar and Cream Stripes?
This will be so great to use on more garterlac dishcloths!


I have also finally sat down and made some stitch markers and row counters. I had seen them everywhere but couldn’t bring myself to buy any, as I knew I could make them myself. Now mind you these are my very first and they aren’t really fancy, but I can’t wait to use them.

2007_09070004 Here is the row counter, for up to 6 rows. I am also going to make one that is adjustable. But, that’s another post…LOL It’s hard to see in this photo, but that is a little bee at the end.

Here are the cute A – H 2007_09070007 row marker’s that Cat Bordhi talks about on her YouTube video. Of course, once I have been bitten by the crafty bug, I just kept

on making stitch markers.

Here are the other one’s I made. Don’t you love the2007_09070001
middle one above with the curly wire, I was going for a yarn look.
Aren’t they just adorable! Well, now this gives me a great excuse to go buy more beads!

Boy, I am glad my hubbie works at Michaels, speaking of which. They have their big employee sale next weekend and all of the employee’s get 40% off of their entire order… YIPPEE!

But, that’s not all… they also give each employee, 25 discount cards to give to friends for 25% off of their entire order. So, I am taking my cards to share with my friends at the Charlotte Purl meetup tomorrow.

take care…and that’s all for now…boy this was a long post!

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What is Ravelry?

This was posted on the Ravelry blog…I thought some of you may like to see it.
PS… yes, I am already in Ravelry… you can still sign up to get on the waiting list!

Still wondering exactly what Ravelry is and how you could possibly make use of it?

Just want to see some more screens while you wait?

LittleWit Erin put together a really cool video that shows off lots of Ravelry’s features.

Enjoy! (click the image below to play)

Click to play

Posted by casey

Happy 4th of July!

appy 4th of uly

We made it safely back home and had a wonderful visit with our daughter, Jennifer in

St. Petersburg, Florida this past week.


I stayed busy on the way down with my knitting and crochet. I finished Brea except I have to purchase the handle and sew the lining. I will post pictures of it when I am done. I have to get my serger fixed first as I sewed over a pin and now it won’t sew. Ugh!


Blue Purse Cover


This is the crocheted blue purse cover that I made on the drive to Florida. The small pouch I finished on the way home with my leftover yarn from the blue and black purse cover. Tapestry Crochet Pouch I was going to knit on my Something Red sweater and realized that I had forgot to take the size 7 Knit Picks Option needles I needed to work on it, so thus the little tapestry crocheted pouch.

The Little Pleated Skirt that I had knitted for Jennifer fit perfectly and she loved it. I did have to crochet a little edge at the top to run a small crocheted cord through so that it wouldn’t fall off. It was the perfect solution!

Click thumbnails to see larger photo

Pleated skirt 1. Pleated skirt 2

Since it fit her so well and she really liked it, I am going to knit her a green one. Sean and Jennifer Sean, Jennifer and Patrick Here she is wearing it out to dinner last Friday evening for her birthday. The guy with her is her boyfriend Sean. Sean and Jennifer 2

Sean with Jennifer at dinner. He’s just a little cutie too! While I was there I taught Katie how to knit and here she is with her finished Grandma’s Favorite Dishcloth. Katie and Jennifer Knitting Katie Knitting Katie

I gave Jennifer a refresher course on her knitting and also taught her to crochet. I’m so proud! LOL

Jennifer and Me    Knitting Jennifer

I also received my first mini skein mailing from while we were gone.

Elann skein subscription You purchase their skein subscription and everytime you get their newsletter each month you get sample skeins of the new yarns coming out and sample snips of every yarn in the newsletter.

Very cool!




The Crocheted Purse Cover

Ok, so I am ready to hit the road tomorrow and suddenly I am in a panic! Do I have enough yarn, hooks, needles, patterns, books to read, stuff to knit or crochet on this long 10 hour drive…LOL Yes, why of course I do, don’t all of us who knit or crochet have about 3-5 projects sitting around screaming, finish me, no finish me!

So I went to my LYS searching for the right color of blue to make another purse cover. This is what I found and I think I am liking it. I wanted to crochet this one and see which I like better. I had to call my mom to ask, Hey Moma, isn’t there a way to make crochet go up on the sides of a flat piece? The pattern called for making the bottom and then the body of the purse cover separate and then whip stiching them together….NOT! I want to avoid whip stitching at all cost.

So, I with mom’s help figured out how to get the stitches to the right count and it appears to be working. Here are a couple of photo’s so you get the jest. I will post the finished project once I am back home next week!You all have a wonderful week!

Re-thinking my Yarn Harlot post…

First off, let me say that I have emailed and apologized to Stephanie for jumping the gun and getting so upset over her chapter in her book, Sour Grapes. I also want to apologize publicly for bashing her and what she wrote. Ever since I read that chapter and wrote that post I have just felt bad. I am in a Tapestry Crochet yahoo group and this is where I found out about the chapter. I read it while upset, so I of course didn’t see the humor in it at all.

However, I read a post by Stephanie on her blog… I think it was on June 19th and that post made so much sense to me. She was so totally correct. Plus a lady from our yahoo Tapestry Crochet group also commented on the whole Sour Grapes chapter, and she was right too! I am posting below her comments with her permission. Her comments so totally make me see the chapter in a whole new way.

I only hope that Stephanie will accept my apology She has accepted my apology and I hope in some small way me posting this publicly will make it up to her, plus the fact that I now have to go and buy all of her books…LOL

Below is the comment posted by Jo on our Tapestry Crochet Yahoo group…

I had to laugh when I read this Sour Grapes – my first, by the way. I’m wondering
(remember, this is only my humble opinion) if people aren’t too sensitive
about our craft of choice and took this bit of prose out of context. This
article was hilarious. What I read was someone who was expressing her
preference in crafts and giving her reasons why in a humorous, quirky sort of

Speed does appeal to me, for one thing, since I don’t want to wait for
“gratification” but the idea of crocheting a king sized bedspread in 3 hours
had me almost rolling on the floor. The knitter may take her “154 hours to
cover the same area” but I’ve been working on a free form crocheted top
that’s taken me approximately 2 years and I’m still not done, LOL! And her
opener about her disdain having to do with her total failure to crochet
properly, coupled with her line about who better to set the record straight
than a completely biased knitter who has never had a single positive crochet
experience tells me she’s not serious; this is all meant in a fun way.
I mean, she’s admitting she can’t crochet; that she’s never crocheted
anything that turned out. By saying that makes her an expert to condemn
crochet comes out clearly as a humorous poke of fun.

And why get upset over hearing that crochet has a lot of crocheted toilet
paper roll covers, etc. We do! but I’ve also seen knitted ones and plastic
canvas ones, as well. And we all know we make beautiful things out of
crochet, just as there are beautiful designs made from plastic canvas, for
example. When you read the promotional copy at the end of the Sour Grapes
write up, it states that Yarn Harlot is exposing the extreme sport of
knitting as an adventure that is fulfilling, exasperating and wickedly
funny. First of all, when have you ever heard of any needle art being called
an “extreme sport” in a serious way? And when I look at this write up and
add to it the 3 hour king sized bedspread, a yarn stealing squirrel,
stripping down a car to find a lost needle, hiding wool in a piano in order
to “foist knitted socks on a friend with a wool allergy”, I can’t help but
laugh at this article. How can I take it seriously after reading all that?
And who among us haven’t passed along our share of weird & wonderfully
quirky crocheting stories?

This is JMHO but I found this article funny and relaxing. I hope we can all
slow down, take a deep breath, and not start a feud with Yarn Harlot over
something that in all likelihood wasn’t meant to be hurtful.

Jo in Edmonton